How to Remove a Student

  • Updated


How to
Remove a

1. Log in to Teacher Dashboard: or via Clever/ClassLink


2. From your landing page, select the Students tab on the navigation menu.

Landing Page.png


3. From the Student page, select the desired student name(s) with the checkbox in front of it that you would like to remove.

Student Directory


4. After selecting a checkbox, the Remove [# of students] Students From Class button will appear. When you are ready to continue, select that button.

Remove Students


5. Upon selecting Remove [# of students] Students From Class, the list of the selected students will populate to confirm which class(es) they are to be removed from. After the class(es) have been chosen, select Remove Student(s).

Remove Students Pop-up.png


6. Once you have selected Remove Student(s), the Student Directory will update according to the changes made. 

Student Directory (Complete)


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