Accessing Performance Data

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Accessing Performance Data



Performance Data Dashboard

1. Log in to Admin Dashboard: or via Clever/ClassLink

2. After logging in, you will first see your Performance Data Dashboard. You can toggle between Speaking and Writing to see your district or schools' scores. You can also use the filters to drill down on the data you're looking for by filtering for schools, teachers, classes, and custom date ranges.

3. The first widget is the Overall Speaking Performance. This shows the average scores, number of assignments scored, and number of students scored on performance tasks for a given date. 

4. Next, you will first see the Student Completion Rates graph. This bar graph represents the number of assignments created and completed for each month as well as a donut chart that represents the percentage of all assignments that have been completed.

5. Lastly, you will see the Speaking Performance chart and the Tasks Assigned & Completed table. The Speaking Performance chart will show a graphic that represents the ratio of students in each performance category, as well as a list below of the number of students that the percentage is comprised of. If you hover over the colors and select a performance level, you will see a slide-out with a list of the students, along with their grade, school, teacher, and class.

Performance Data Dashboard

Performance Data Dashboard-4.png

Learning Goals Dashboard

1. The next dashboard in your navigation menu is the Learning Goals Dashboard. You will be able to filter by the same filters as the Performance Data Dashboard above. From here, you will see the Speaking Goals & Scores By Indicator. This table represents the number of goals and average scores for each of the indicators. 

2. Next, the Speaking Goal Achievement graph represents the students' goal performance over time. This view helps to show, month over month, the number of students that are meeting their goals in their performance tasks. 

3. The Completed Assignments With Learning Goals is a bar graph that shows the number of active students and active goals for each month. This can help show how goals are currently being used by your teachers, or if they are being used at all. As an admin, this can also start to give you patterns and show what months teachers might be assigning goals more than others, and how to keep the momentum up throughout the year for your district or school.

4. Lastly, the Speaking Goal Performance and Speaking Goals By Indicator tables. The Speaking Goal Performance table shows the number of goals and average student performance of each indicator. Similarly, the Speaking Goals By Indicator drills down on the data by representing how many active goals are focused on each indicator. 

Learning Goals Dashboard.png

District / School Comparisons

1. Regardless of whether you are a district or school administrator, you will be able to see your schools  and grades at a high-level comparison. You will also be able to click on any name with the blue color, indicating that a slideout will show information more in depth (such as the example below). 

  • This table will show how many teachers and students that the school consists of, as well as the number of goals assigned, performance tasks (PTs) completed, and the averages for speaking and writing of those graded PTs.

District-Wide Comparisons.png


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