Accessing Admin Benchmark Data

  • Updated


Accessing Benchmark Data

Video Walkthrough

Step-by-step Instructions

1. Log in to Admin Dashboard: or via Clever/Classlink


2. From your landing page, click on the Benchmark Data tab on the navigation menu.

Performance Data Dashboard.png


3. From your Benchmark Summary page, in order to get the data you're looking for, you will need to filter by:

  • District Admin: Schools, Grades, and Teachers
  • School Admin: Grades and Teachers

Admin - Benchmark Summary.png


4. After filtering, you will first see the Benchmark Submission Status Report. These three donut charts will show your total number of submissions for each submission status in your district or school for each of the benchmark types (BOY, MOY, and EOY). The submission status' include: 

  • Not Started: The Benchmark has been sent out, but has not been completed yet by the student.
  • In Progress: The student has started and is currently in the process of taking the Benchmark, and is still actively in the labeling, speaking, or writing portion.
  • Submitted: The student has successfully submitted the benchmark, and is in the scoring queue of either our Flashlight Insight Scoring Team, or ready for a teacher to grade.
  • Graded: The Benchmark has been graded, and scores will be reflected in the dashboard.

Admin - Benchmark Summary-3.png


5. Next, you will see the Benchmark Growth Report graph and the Benchmark Scores table.

Depending on the filters used and how far you drill down on the data, your district or schools' growth report will represent the average of overall speaking and writing benchmark scores for beginning, middle, and end of year benchmarks. 

Similarly, the benchmark scores provide a "receipt" that lists out the scores that are reflected in the growth report on the left. 

Admin - Benchmark Summary-3.png


6. The Benchmark Indicator Scores chart shows the average speaking and writing indicator scores for each benchmark type (eight indicators in total).


The chart reflects the change in student performance (based on the filters used) over the course of the school year to help show strengths and weaknesses and indicate where best to cater instruction throughout the district or school. The YTD, or year-to-date, change reflects the change in score from the first benchmark taken to the most recent benchmark taken for each indicator.

Admin - Benchmark Summary-4.png


7. The District / School Benchmark Comparison table shows your students' speaking and writing scores, as well as progress and year-to-date (YTD) change over the span of the school year (from BOY to MOY to EOY).


  • District Admin: On your chart, you will be able to tab between all schools and grades utilizing Flashlight in your district. You will see a breakdown and comparison of all the schools and their average scores as well as an overview by grade level of how students are doing across the school year. 
  • School Admin: On your chart, you will be able to tab between all grades and teachers utilizing Flashlight in your school. You will see all of the grades at your school as well as an overview of your teachers' average scores for their classes across the school year. 

Benchmark Comparison table.png

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